ABA Therapy for Autism, Residential & Day Programs for People With Disabilities
We offer primary care support through our Host Home Program, Group Homes and respite for primary caregivers through our Day Program. We also offer Early Intervention After School ABA Therapy Services, Behavioral Services, and Budget Monitoring Representative Payee services. These programs are for individuals with intellectual disabilities that have already qualified for DSPD state funding. If you want to learn more, click below to schedule a free consultation.
"I am so grateful to have Suzy in my life!! Working for Buddies4Life, is the best thing I have ever done.
Working for your guys isn’t a job. Suzy has become one of my a buddies4life just like your company name."
Jessica Hougardy, Syracuse Utah.
Our Services
Host Home Support
Living in a home setting can be an excellent alternative to institutional and community-based housing. Our certified residential homes or other certified private homes provide a home-like setting with a family that offers support, supervision, training, and other assistance for adults with an intellectual disability or ABI. These host families can also provide support during the day and weekends to maintain the health and safety of the individual in their care. The goal is to give your loved one an opportunity to learn how to live as independently as possible fully participate in a community setting of their choosing, and to help avoid isolation.
Our host families receive extensive orientation training. They will be completely aware of any medication needs, their effects, purposes and side effects, and include recording any self-administration of medications. They will commit to watch for and help with dietary issues, receive multi-scenario emergency training and planning, commit to following the principles of appropriate community inclusion and natural support development. They will be alerted of issues related to eating or other healthcare needs, preferences regarding non-negotiable routines, and any significant or important-to-know functional limitation or disabling conditions. Host families will know the key elements of the American With Disabilities Act, understand PCSP development and support the person’s preferred recreational and leisure activities. In summary, the family will be trained on all critical info related to the new individual in their care, and be provided resources to help them understand and follow the extensive list of policies and procedures and guidelines outlined through the DHS and DSPD.
Buddies4Life audits the situation in the home every 30 days of placement and monthly moving to ensure compliance with our high-quality standards as it relates to safety and fit, where the host family and the participant are genuinely happy with the arrangement.
There is never more than three participants per home except with written approval from the DHS/DSPD, two participants could be assigned to a given home. The HHS program is currently only available to persons with intellectual disabilities that are 18 years or older.
Day Supports Group (DSG)
Day Supports [set up on a] Group (DSG) provides daily and hourly support, supervision and training for groups of children, adults and the elderly. DSG provides a safe, nonresidential, community habilitation program in a structured programmatic setting, other naturally occurring environment or community setting where people can gather in groups during the day to avoid becoming isolated and participate in and contribute to their community.
DSG maintains or improves a person’s job-readiness skills, work abilities, dexterity, stamina, memory, personalsafety, interpersonal relations, self-help, communication, mobility and other functional abilitiesand life skills. Daily DSG may be used to provide appropriate staff to maintain the health and safety of persons during provision of MTP services so long as persons in groups receiving daily DSG at the same time as MTP receive an average of six hours of support a day. Daily DSG programs should be operational for at least 7.5 hours on regular business days to allow forstaggered arrivals and departures.
Employment Preparation Services (EPR)
Employment Preparation Services (EPR) provides time-limited, individualized supports to gather information, develop skills, and gain experiences that will prepare an individual for Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE). Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)- means that individuals with disabilities work in the community with people of all abilities; and that they are paid at a rate comparable to those people without disabilities who work in the same place.
Day Supports Individual (DSI)
Day Supports [for an] Individual (DSI) [formerly DTA and DTB] provides one-to-one support, supervision and training for a child, adult or elder.
DSI may be provided as a daily or hourly service. DSI provides a safe, non-residential, community habilitation program in a structured programmatic setting, other naturally occurring environment or community setting where a person can receive supports during the day to avoid becoming isolated and to participate in and contribute to his or her community.
DSI maintains or improves a person’s job-readiness skills, work abilities, dexterity, stamina, memory, personal safety, interpersonal relations, self-help, communication, mobility and other functional abilities and life skills.
Supported Living With Natural Supports (SLN)
We facilitate daily supervision and training for adults with Intellectual Disabilities and ABI. To ensure the health and safety of participants, Buddies4Life will always ensure well-trained staff one-on-one hourly support, supervision, training and assistance to children and adults who live with their parents or other relatives.
Buddies4Life offers community service projects, hands-on interactive activities in the community, and person-centered interest-based community activities.
Our goal is to focus on our Buddies’ health and safety and is available to those who live in the home of their parents or other relatives and who need intermittent support to access community and avoid isolation.
SLN may include personal care services, homemaker, chore attendant care, advocacy, communication, assistance with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living, transportation to access community activities and shopping, keeping track of money and bills and using the telephone; and indirect services such as socialization, self-help and adaptive/compensatory skills development necessary to reside successfully in the community.
Buddies4Life will help Buddies' interpersonal and job-readiness skills, work abilities, dexterity, stamina, memory, personal safety, self-help, communication, mobility, and other functional abilities and life skills.
Supported Living Hourly (SLH)
Supported Living Hourly (SLH) provides one-on-one hourly support, supervision, training and assistance for people to live as independently as possible.
This service is available to those who live alone in their own homes, with roommates, or a spouse or for adults who live with their parents or other related caregivers when the Contractor is identified as the party with the primary responsibility for maintaining the person’s health and safety.
SLH activities are prioritized based upon the person's assessed needs but always include maintenance of the person’s health and safety, personal care services, homemaker, chore attendant care, medication observation and recording, advocacy, communication, assistance with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living, transportation to access community activities and shopping, keeping track of money and bills and using the telephone; and indirect services such as socialization, self-help and adaptive/compensatory skills development necessary to reside successfully in the community.
Staff Support: SLH is a one-to-one service for persons who require hourly support. Generally, if a person requires more than 8 hours of SLH services a day, HHS or RHS may be more cost-effective and should be investigated.
Actual type, frequency and duration of direct care staff support, and other community living supports shall be defined in the person's ISP/AP based on the person’s selected housing arrangement and assessed needs.
Supported Employment for an Individual (SEI)
Supported Employment for an Individual (SEI) (combines SEA and SEB) provides ongoing one-on-one hourly and daily supports to persons in their efforts to obtain, maintain, and advance in competitive employment in integrated work settings.
Employment that occurs as a part of SEI services can be on a full or part-time basis, during traditional or nontraditional workdays, and in settings where the person is afforded the opportunity to work with others, the majority of who are without disabilities. Supports may occur anytime during a 24hour day.
Persons are compensated at a wage commensurate with their level of training and development and are always compensated at rates consistent with Federal vocational rehabilitation policies and regulations contained within the Fair Labor Standards Act. http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/flsa/index.htm.
The nature of the person’s employment and services rendered under this code are always consistent with the strengths, weaknesses, and goals indicated in his/her Individual Support Plan (ISP).
Professional Medication Monitoring by a Registered Nurse (RN)
If your loved one needs medication, we will ensure during our day programs that we provide one-to-one medication monitoring, laboratory testing and Licensed Practical Nurse (PM1) services. Buddies4Life's RN will monitor the medication prescribed the individual with disabilities by a physician or health care professional. The RN will provide incidental training to other staff, so they too are aware of the medication needs of every participant. As a natural part of caring for individuals with disabilities, we will be in tune with the health of participants which would include any impressions regarding the efficacy or any adverse reactions to a prescription. We will always contact the legal guardian, if there is any concern regarding the participants health.
Chore Services (CHA)
Chore Services (CHA) is a one-on-one hourly service that helps maintain a clean, sanitary and safe living environment for persons with disabilities who are unable to complete chore activities on their own.
CHA includes heavy household chores such as washing floors, windows, and walls; snow removal, lawn care, tacking down loose rugs and tiles; and moving heavy items of furniture in order to provide safe access and egress.
CHA is not a skills training service. CHA may be provided under Agency-based Services.
Personal Budget Assistance (PBA)
As a separate service we provide quarter hour and daily one-to-one support with financial matters. One of our goals is to help the individuals in our programs to become as independent as possible. This includes becoming as financially independent as possible. For some, this means daily consultation as it relates to financial matters. For the most part, we will help manage most areas where the individual is unable. This may include: providing supervision of financial resources, savings, retirement, earnings, check writing, budget management, tax, fiscal record keeping, filing and fiscal interaction on behalf of the individual with disabilities. In some circumstances, we act as a representative payee, conservator or the person’s voluntarily appointed personal funds manager.
Our staff responsible for the administration of this program will have all the necessary financial training and be required to meet our detailed standards of accurate recording and reporting on their financial stewardship. An accounting of every transaction will be reviewed and audited .They will also be held accountable for the principles and guidelines we have outlined. All of which can be shared in further detail, if this service is of interest.
Meet Our Host Families